
Online Therapy &

Healing Circles

Offering online therapy for adults in Washington & rituals that support individuals and communities through losses and transitions.

Welcome to Tenisci Counseling

I’m so glad you are here. For many, reaching out for support can feel vulnerable and overwhelming at times. It’s my goal to help ease this process by providing an inclusive and non-judgemental space where all parts of you are welcome. I invite you to explore my services and learn more about my therapeutic approach to see if we might be a good fit for working together. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions – I am always happy to connect!


Individual Therapy Sessions

Online counseling for adults struggling with self-esteem, stress, anxiety, depression, loss, trauma, life transitions, relationship difficulties, and/or working toward personal growth.

 Grief Support

Community Grief Circles & Retreats

Siena is founder of Northwest Grief Tending – an organization offering community grief rituals that honor many different forms of loss. Join us for an weekly support circle or in-person retreat.


Honoring Life Transition

Personalized rituals that help individuals, families, and communities move through transitions with intention and support. Honor life passages in new and transformative ways.

Hello! I’m Siena, licensed therapist and founder of Northwest Grief Tending.

I have been working therapeutically with adults for 10 years in individual counseling, group therapy, and community-based settings. I have enormous compassion for people going through life’s challenges and transitions and strive to create an environment that feels safe, comfortable, and authentic. I enjoy working collaboratively and holding space for all aspects of your identity to be honored and validated. It is truly a privilege to walk alongside others who are seeking support. I look forward to meeting you and working together on a holistic, individualized approach to therapy.

Quick Links

Learn more about my other offerings and approach to therapy.